- Application is lodged in the High Court of South Africa. The application can be enrolled within five weeks.
- Court rules entail that all creditors are included and that all creditors accept the court order.
- No maximum limit to the amount of debt.
- A percentage of the total outstanding debt is payable. It does not accrue interest.
- No further debt can be made.
- Money is paid directly to the curator.
- Movable assets are included in the insolvent estate and are used as collateral. An agreement with the curator will ensure it is not removed.
- The curator will have to sell any immovable assets (house/flat) registered in your name, to pay the creditors.
Debt Counselling
- Application is lodged in the Magistrate Court, but it can take up to a year before it is enrolled.
- Debt is excluded that has already been handed over to attorneys for legal action.
- No maximum limit to the amount of debt.
- No further debt can be made.
- You pay the entire amount plus interest and costs. This can take up to 30 years.
- Money is paid to a distributing agent to pay the creditors.
- Movable assets do not form part of the process.
- You may keep any immovable assets providing the bank has accepted a minimum payment and no legal action has been taken.
- Application is made in the Magistrate Court and is enrolled within two months.
- “Cash loans” agreements are excluded from an administration and you must pay the outstanding amount.
- The maximum amount of debt is R50 000.00
- Should you owe for example R50 000.00 it still accrues interest and costs that may amount to R132 000.00
- No further debt can be made.
- Repayment amount is deducted directly from your salary with permission of your employer.
- Movable assets do not form part of the process.
- You may keep any immovable assets providing the bank has accepted a minimum payment and no legal action has been taken.
- You may keep any immovable assets as long as you pay the premiums.
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