If you suspect your company is in financial difficulty, get proper accounting and legal advice as early as possible, as this increases the likelihood of the company surviving. One of the most common reasons for the inability to save a company in financial distress is that professional advice was sought too late. Do not have a ‘head in the sand’ attitude, hoping that things will improve—they rarely do.
An insolvency practitioner can conduct a solvency review of your company and outline available options. You need to be aware of your options so that you can make informed decisions about your company’s future. Options may include refinancing, restructuring or changing your company’s activities, or appointing an external administrator. If your company is insolvent, do not allow it to incur further debt. Unless it is possible to promptly restructure, refinance or obtain equity funding to recapitalise the company, generally your options are to appoint a voluntary administrator or a liquidator.