Is my company in financial difficulty? 

Sign’s that may indicate your company is in financial difficulty: 

  1. Signs that may indicate your company is in financial difficulty:
  2. On-going losses
  3. Poor cash flow
  4. Absence of a business plan
  5. Incomplete financial records or disorganised internal accounting procedures
  6. Lack of cash-flow forecasts and other budgets
  7. Increasing debt (liabilities greater than assets)
  8. Problems selling stock or collecting debts
  9. Unrecoverable loans to associated parties
  10. Creditors unpaid outside usual terms
  11. Solicitors’ letters, demands, summonses, judgements or warrants issued against your company
  12. Suppliers placing your company on cash-on-delivery (COD) terms
  13. Issuing post-dated cheques or dishonouring cheques
  14. Special arrangements with selected creditors
  15. Payments to creditors of rounded sums that are not reconcilable to specific invoices
  16. Overdraft limit reached or defaults on loan or interest payments
  17. Problems obtaining finance
  18. Change of bank, lender or increased monitoring/involvement by financier
  19. Inability to raise funds from shareholders
  20. Overdue taxes
  21. Board disputes and director resignations, or loss of key management or personnel
  22. Increased level of complaints or queries raised with suppliers
  23. An expectation that the ‘next’ big job/sale/contract will save the company.