A trustee shall investigate the affairs and transactions of the insolvent concerned before the sequestration of his estate and shall, at the second meeting or, with the written permission of the Master obtained before the second meeting, at an adjourned second meeting of the creditors of that estate, or, if an offer of composition has been accepted by creditors in terms of section one hundred and nineteen, within one month after the acceptance of such offer of composition, submit a full written report on those affairs and transactions and on any matter of importance relating to the insolvent or the estate, and more especially in regard to

—(a)  the assets and liabilities of the estate;

(b)  the cause of the debtor’s insolvency;

(c)  the books relating to the insolvent’s affairs, and the question whether the insolvent appears to have kept a proper record of his transactions, and if not, in what respect the record is insufficient, defective or incorrect;

(d)  the question whether the insolvent appears to have contravened this Act or to have committed any other offence;

(e)  any allowance he has made to the insolvent in terms of section seventy-nine and the reasons  therefor;

(f)  any business which he may have been carrying on on behalf of the estate, any goods he may have purchased for that business, and the result of carrying on that business;(g) any legal proceedings instituted by or against the insolvent which were suspended by the sequestration of his estate which may be pending or threatened against the estate;

(h)  any matter mentioned in section thirty-five or thirty-seven;(i)  any matter in regard to the administration or realization of the estate requiring the direction of the creditors.