Remuneration of trustee or curator bonis.—(1)  Every trustee or curator bonis shall be entitled to a reasonable remuneration for his services, to be taxed by the Master according to tariff B in the Second Schedule to this Act: Provided that the Master may, for good cause, reduce or increase his remuneration, or may disallow his remuneration either wholly or in part on account of any failure of or delay in the discharge of his duties or on account of any improper performance of his duties.  (1)bis  The Minister may by notice in the Gazette amend the said tariff B.[Sub-s. (1)bis inserted by s. 12 of Act No. 50 of 1956, amended by ss. 46 and 47 of Act No. 97 of 1986 and substituted by s. 8 of Act No. 16 of 2003.](2)  A person who employs or is a fellow employee or is ordinarily in the employment of the trustee shall not be entitled to any remuneration out of the insolvent estate for services rendered to the estate, and a trustee or his partner shall not be entitled to any remuneration out of the estate for services rendered to the estate, except the remuneration to which under this Act he is entitled as trustee.